“NEW HOPE” Artist Talk with Roman Tolici and Adrian Lăcătuș
23 January 2025, at 4:00 p.m., Multicultural Centre of Transilvania University Brașov
We invite you to a meeting with the artist Roman Tolici, one of Romania’s most appreciated contemporary painters, and the writer Adrian Lăcătuș, Director of the Multicultural Centre, starting from the central theme of NEW HOPE exhibition. The meeting comes under “ROMAN TOLICI: NEW HOPE” exhibition project, which was opened in the city of Brașov, in partnership with the Multicultural Centre.
The exhibition NEW HOPE features a selection of the artist’s canvases achieved over the last four years, which convey his deep reflections on the changes having redefined the contemporary world, both socially and politically, and in terms of personal experience.
The artworks explore the relations between man and Earth’s history, and thus turn into a space meant to reflect man’s vulnerability and resilience alike, at a time when physical and spiritual limits are constantly challenged.
The event will transpose into words the reflection on these major changes, as well as on the moments of uncertainty, adaptation and search for a new balance.
“The exhibition comprises a painting made in 2012 which is called New Hope and addresses the very theme that I have recently transposed into painting - the one of hope. Hope is projected not necessarily onto the present, but onto a meta-future, an ultra-distant future where several apocalypses will have befallen us” – reveals Roman Tolici in the television broadcast “City Talks” with Daria Ghiu.
The exhibition, organised together with Mobius Gallery and Brașov Art Museum, is open to visit until 31 January 2025, from Monday to Friday between 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., and on Saturday between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., at the Multicultural Centre of Transilvania University (29 Eroilor Blvd).