24 April 2024
On 24 April 2024, from 12.00 to 3.00 p.m., Anelis Plus Association will be organizing a workshop dedicated to the Romanian authors of scientific literature, with a view to creating an optimal environment for dialogue and information as regards the opportunity to publish in Open Access - OA, within the Anelis Plus 2023-2025 project.
The workshop will take place at “Politehnica” National University of Science and Technology Bucharest, no. 313 Splaiul Independenței St.
You are kindly asked to send your registrations for the workshop to the email addresses below: and
The presentations will be given by representatives of the publishing houses involved in the transformative agreements (Cambridge University Press) and Anelis Plus, with the participation of some guests involved in the OA process, along the transition from the “read only” model to the “publish and read” model.