The evening of Saint Nicholas
6 December, at 6:00 PM
Luiza Zan and Jazzpar Trio
From Maria Tănase to Edith Piaf, in swing steps
Addressing music pieces that make up the topic of the research undertaken by Luiza Zan within the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Transilvania University of Braşov, under the guidance of Prof. dr. Stela Drăgulin, the concert in the evening of Saint Nicholas offers you lesser-known songs in Maria Tănase’s repertoire and interwar pieces in Edith Piaf's repertoire, skilfully arranged on swing rhythms, together with Jazzpar Trio.
Because the evening of Saint Nicholas is a traditional event organized by the Music Centre, the repertoire will be complemented by some original carols, and the concert will end with a surprise carol written by Louis Armstrong.
We invite you to a crossroads of musical styles, united by the four musicians under a common belief, that the magic of the winter holidays is possible where the heart paces in swing steps.