International Summer School on Sustainability
24-28 July 2023
Transilvania University of Brașov, represented by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and by the Department of Electronics and Computers, will host a Summer School dedicated to sustainability and green technologies. The event is organized in collaboration with the Universities of Applied Sciences of Karlsruhe (Germany) and Rapperswil (Switzerland), in partnership with Schaeffler Romania (RO), Danfoss (RO), Kälte Eckert (DE) Secon (DE), Steinbeis Transfer Centre for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – ST2K (DE), Valerius-Füner-Stiftung (DE) and Verbund der Stifter of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (DE). From mechanics to biomechanics, sustainable energy production and storage technologies, to food technologies, water treatment and purification, to biodiversity conservation, 40 students from Switzerland, France, Germany and Romania will acquire a holistic vision on the development of sustainable communities.
During the 5 days, the Summer School will offer lectures and interactive sessions held by experts from Romania, Switzerland, Germany and France. Meetings with representatives of the business environment at the county but also national level (Schaeffler Romania, Danfoss, Stabilus) are considered, too. The schedule of events also includes visits to the Research and Development Institute within Transilvania University of Brașov, as well as activities at Piatra Mare Mountain (biodiversity) and Viscri (Mihai Eminescu Foundation, the ecological wastewater treatment plant, sustainable communities).
In order to make this experience accessible to as many people as possible, we have also included the option of attending the online sessions for free.
We want to encourage as many people as possible to join this initiative and become partners in our efforts to create a more sustainable future. If you are interested in learning about sustainable solutions and getting involved in our community, we urge you to register for the International summer school on sustainability_from biodiversity to energy, biomechanical and artificial intelligence.
Together, we can protect the environment and build a better future for the generations to come.
Link to the schedule of events:
Registration link for online participation: