Council for Doctoral University Studies

Transilvania University of Brașov is accredited as Organizing Institution for Doctoral University Studies (IOSUD-UNITBV), whereby it offers doctoral studies, managed by the Council for Doctoral University Studies (CSUD-UNITBV).
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Cătălin ALEXANDRU - director of the Council for Doctoral University Studies (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Prof. Dr. Gabriel BRĂTUCU (Marketing)
  • Prof. Dr. Med. Lorena DIMA (Medicine)
  • Prof. Dr. Mihaela Dana GHEORGHE (Philology)
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai IVANOVICI (Electronics, telecommunications and informational technologies)
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Daniel MUNTEANU (Materials Engineering)
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Bogdan POPA (Forestry)
  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Maria Luminița SCUTARU (Mechanical Engineering)
  • PhD. student Alexandru Georgian LĂCULICEANU (Medicine)

Prof. Dr. Eng. Cătălin Alexandru
Director of the Council for Doctoral University Studies – email:, office hours: Fridays, 12:00-14:00 (appointments to be established via email)