IT services for students
We have prepared several personalized IT services to make your student life as easy as possible.
The following IT services can be accessed using the institutional account data (username as: first name.last and password).
1. E-learning
The E-learning platform is where the online teaching activities take place. The e-learning guide for students includes information on how to use the resources of the platform.
2. Institutional e-mail account
The institutional e-mail address enables you to identify as a member of the academic community, to communicate with colleagues and teachers, and to receive information about campus activities. If you want to send a message to all the colleagues in your group, check the list of student groups on the Intranet, in the section called Servicii IT -> Liste e-mail grupe studenti.
3. Intranet
The intranet is a web platform where you can access your study situation (grades, course list, fee records, etc.), enroll in the university's internal programmes (e.g., Azure Dev Tools for Teaching, Services for the benefit of UNITBV), and access other dedicated resources (Canteen and dormitory, registration for sports, accommodation).
4. Student@UniTBv App
This mobile application, available on Google Play, enables quick access and receipt of notifications on daily aspects of student life: timetable, exam scheduls, grades, map of buildings, online payment of fees, canteen menu, news and events, etc.
The application is created by the TSG Group, a group of university students.
5. Campus Wi-Fi UNITBV Network
It is available in all university buildings (except for the second floor of the T-buiding, still under construction), including the student dormitories.
In order for the network to work optimally in the dormitories, it is necessary to turn off personal access points (located in many dormitory rooms).
6. Eduroam Network
Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure roaming service available worldwide, developed for the academic community. The service allows access to the Internet, using the credentials of the home university (username and password) when you are visiting other institutions that have joined this service.
7. Remote access (de acasa) to databases of scientific articles through the Anelis+ Mobil programme (ISI Web of Science/Clarivate Analitycs, Scopus, IEEE/IEL Electronic Library, Proquest Central, ScienceDirect, Cabi).
Access the guide to open an account at:
The first login does not need to be made from the university's network (IP).
8. How to manage the password
Use this application to change your institutional account password. In case youforgot it, you can retrieve it yourself through the associated private e-mail account.
9. IT assistance:
If you need assistance for using IT services, you can contact the IT Office through the IT assistance application at