- • CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) is a regional academic mobility programme that has been running in Central and Eastern Europe since 1993. Romania joined this Program in 1998.
• PARTICIPANTS - Central and South-Eastern European countries that participate in CEEPUS: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia, University of Prishtina, United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo - MEST, as well as the Republic of Moldova, starting with the academic year 2011-2012.
• CEEPUS NETWORKS - A CEEPUS network is an interuniversity structure in which several universities from at least two different countries engage a joint project.
Any academic from any university can create a CEEPUS network, the home institution becoming then the network coordinator; or an academic can join a network coordinated by another university participating in the Program and then the academic’s home institution becomes a partner institution. All operations related to the creation / management of CEEPUS projects and the registration for / granting scholarships are carried out online, on the website www.ceepus.info.
Transilvania University of Brașov is a member of 15 CEEPUS networks.