Departamentul de Autovehicule si transporturi
Facultea de Inginerie mecanică
Politehnicii street, no. 1, Brașov, Romania
Building N, Room NP12
E-mail: m.nastasoiu@unitbv.ro
Interese de cercetare:
- Tractoare și Autovehicule speciale
- Motoare cu ardere internă
Publicații (selecție):
- Năstăsoiu, M., Ispas, N. Potential Performance Characteristics for Different Types of Tractors: TwoWheel-Drive Tractor, Four-Wheel-Drive Tractors and Crawler Tractors. In: 4th International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering (AMMA), Cluj-Napoca, 2018.
- Năstăsoiu, M., Ispas, N. Simultaneous Influences of Tyre Pressure and Steering Geometry upon the Theoretical Speed Ratio in the Running Gear System of Four-Wheel Drive Tractors. In:CONAT 2016 International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering, Brasov, 2016
- Leahu, C.I., Năstăsoiu, M., Țârulescu, R. Some Considerations on Optimal Placement of the Arm Hydraulic Cylinder to an Excavator In: 30th SIAR International Congress Of Automotive And Transport Engineering: Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering, Craiova, 2019.
- Mărdărescu, V., Ispas, N., Năstăsoiu, M. Qualitative Estimation Criterion of Direct Injection Diesel Engines Performance Prediction for Stationary and Industrial Applications. In: Applied Mechanics and Materials/Volume 659, 2014, P. 205-210.
- Ispas, N., Năstăsoiu, M. CO2 Emission Determination in Accord with European Regulation for Old and Today Cars Powered by Diesel Engines . In: INGINERIA AUTOMOBILULUI, ISSN: 18424074, 2016.