International Conference

International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
The conference is designed as an international forum for effective exchange of knowledge among researchers, from all over the world, active in various theoretical and applied areas of: biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, bioengineering, environmental protection and food safety.
The “IC-ANMBES 2018“ will cover different aspects of analytical methods which fall into one of the two main themes:
1. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biophysical and Biomedical Applications
2. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Environmental and Food Safety
Important dates
March 23, 2018: Abstract submission deadline.
April 1, 2018: Notification of abstract acceptance.
April 15, 2018: Deadline for early registration fee.
May 22, 2018: Deadline for bursaries applications
May 5, 2018: Deadline for late registration fee (for contributions included in Abstracts Book).
Topics covered include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Atomic and nuclear analytical methods for biomedicine and environmental sciences
- Biophysical methods for the study of protein folding, misfolding and assembly
- Analytical methods of medical physics
- Medical analysis and diagnosis
- Biomembranes and model membranes
- Molecular and cellular electric/magnetic field effects
- Electrified interfaces and biosensing
- Bioenergetics and signal transduction
- Microspectroscopy
- Nanobiotechnology
- Novel materials and biomaterials for analytical methods
- In-silico methods